A few of my OBSESSIONS!
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These are a few of my obsessions!
Is it healthy to like something so much?You decide!Clicking on the icons will take u to that site

What's Stevie up to now?See her latest work here I spend alot of time here looking around and admiring all the pretty things!
Mermaids ROCK!
If you like them too....GO HERE
Comics are funny!
I have a penchant for the obvious!See what kind of things Satchel and Bucky are doing today!Got Fuzzy?GET FUZZY HERE
I LURVE to take pictures!Of my family and friends,scenery and nature,etc.

Oh Bother!My favorite WTP character
The 'Freak Store'
They have the KEWLEST stuff here!
Choco chip cookies are my favorite,I love "special dark" candy bars,cadbury eggs,and Count Chocula!
I LURVE Lip Gloss!
I collect all kinds of lip gloss.I like tins and unique containers of it the best!

The Mermaid
John William Waterhouse was a Pre Raphaelite artist depicting mostly women as they are.With REAL bodies like God made them!

"Damn this place looks like home!"
I visited Finland 5 years ago to meet my penpal & best friend "Inkadinkado" its a bit different being in Europe and all but the landscape still looks alot like home.And man they LOVE cell phones!Oh wait...NOKIA is from there?Oh that's right!DUH!Click on the icon to go to the fanlisting

"Despite everything, I believe that people really are good at heart." ~ Anne Frank